On Demand Digital Printing

On Demand Digital Printing

More and more, marketers and publishers are relying on the benefits of On Demand Printing for their print fulfillment needs. Print on demand or (POD) is an innovative printing technology where documents are printed in real time and only at the time in which the order has been placed. On Demand Printing allows for maximum efficiency when it comes to our clients’ document outsourcing needs, as it provides them maximum flexibility and freedom from more traditional methodologies, such as offset printing.

Cost-efficient Print On Demand Services

At DMM we let you print what you need and when you need it through our On Demand print services.  Print on demand is faster than offset and flexible, catering to your every need. Our cost-efficient technology allows our clients to print directly from data to paper and with no films, no inks, no wasted overruns. Now you can focus on ridding yourself of outdated inventory and simply print what you need with quality and when you need it.

The Benefits of On Demand Printing Services

In addition to a being fast, reliable and efficient means of printing, On Demand Printing is also eco-friendly when compared to more traditional styles, including offset printing. Traditional styles of printing leverage ink, paper and additional chemicals that are harmful to the environment. Print on demand services reduce the amount of waste being used by only producing the exact amounts of print that is needed, thus, eliminating any print waste. In addition to being an eco-friendly printing service, On Demand Printing also has a number of other benefits, including:

  • Application to a diverse set of substrates – not just paper
  • No need to maintain in-stock print materials
  • No need to store unsold or distributed products


We offer the latest in marketing communications print services, including On Demand Printing services.  Additionally, we are the leading document solutions company in North America and offer all of the below services to companies in all types of industries:

  • State of the art secured facilities with SOC 2, HIPAA, ISO27001, and PCI compliance
  • Mail integrity verification & automated document tracking
  • Scalable operation & resources to meet SLA’s
  • Data security procedures with restricted key card access, a strict visitor sign-in policy, 24-hour video surveillance monitoring
  • Secured File Transfer Protocol, and employee background checks to safeguard client data and protect privacy

We offer a true client centric service model for all of your marketing communication print services needs including:

  • Trigger campaigns
  • Data preparation
  • Variable data programming
  • On demand print services
  • Printing and mailing services
  • Postal optimization services
  • Print on demand programs


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